Maine Libraries. Maine Citizens. Connected.
- MaineCat
- Minerva
- Download Library
- Digital Maine Library

MaineCat Statewide Catalog combines and links more than 100 library collections contained in 10 large online library systems. A single search scans more than 4.6 million unique titles and nearly 8.9 million items.


Minerva is a shared library system that brings together over 60 libraries of all types from across the state. Minerva is self-governed by a Users Council and an Executive Board with technical management and support provided by Maine InfoNet.


URSUS is a shared library system that brings together the seven University of Maine System libraries and combines them with the collections of the Bangor Public Library, the Maine State Library and the Maine Law and Legislative Reference Library. Together the URSUS collection provides access to over three million unique titles.


MILS is a shared library system that brings together smaller libraries from across the state. MILS is managed and supported by Maine InfoNet.


The Maine InfoNet Download Library provides online access to downloadable audio books through cloudLibrary. Patrons from member libraries are able to checkout ebooks and downloadable digital audiobooks for free, 24/7, from a shared collection.

Download Library

The Digital Maine Library provides every resident of Maine with access to online resources that include a collection of full text articles and abstracts from magazines, newspapers, journals and reference.

Digital Maine Library