System Circulation
Heads Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November
18, 9-10am
Meet me call
Present: Laura Gallucci, SYS; Janet Brackett, Far; Judith Clarke, AUG; Barbara Higgins, BPL; Stephanie Bresett, FK; Greg Stowe, LAW; Sherry McCall, LAW; Stephanie Ralph, LEG; Louise Hinkley, MSL; Janet Babb, OCLS.
Absent; Dale Kuczinski, LEW; Jerry Lund, ORO; Nancy Fletcher, PI; Judith Nottage, UC; Casandra Fitzherbert, USM; Machias Representative
Agenda Items:
I Call to order and approval of minutes
Meeting called to order
Stephanie Ralph volunteered to be secretary
Approval of October minutes
Stephanie Bresett requested clarification of last sentence in agenda item IV. Statements. Laura had proposed that we table coordinating the running statements until conditions improve. Minutes were approved with the clarification.
II and III (Borrowing libraries and overdues, Onsite loan policy clarification)
Laura received comments prior to the meeting showing that the policy is still unclear and confusing. Further discussion indicated the need for some testing and a better understanding of how the system presently works. Decisions on these agenda items were tabled.
Summary of comments and issues
§ Stephanie Bresett (FK) says the overall gist is clear, but has questions about details. Is the minimum Replacement Charge really $45? Some folks thought it was $35 replacement plus $10 fine/fee.
§ Several libraries enter at least some item costs, which override the $45 replacement charge in the loan rule. The item cost may be more or less than $45.
§ Laura Gallucci (SYS) suggested the Directors would need to comment on the varying practices regarding item cost.
§ Greg Stowe (LAW) stated that the $45 was originally agreed to by administrators.
§ Laura Gallucci (SYS) commented that we are discussing only the general system-wide loan rule. It is not definite when this rule applies.
§ Janet Brackett (FAR) suggested the system-wide rule applies anytime a patron from one library checks out materials belonging to another library.
§ Stephanie Bresett (FK) recalled instances of a different rule applying when an Orono graduate student borrows materials belonging to another library.
§ We attempted to define the term on-site loan: An on-site loan occurs when a patron with a card issued by one library goes to a different library, finds an item on the shelves, and checks it out at that library.
§ Laura Gallucci (SYS) asked how we would characterize a checkout when a patron places a hold using the requestor function and then goes to the owning library to pick up and check out the item.
§ Laura Gallucci (SYS) summarized that she believes the system rule applies to anytime a patron from one library borrows material located in or owned by another library. However, she wants to run some controlled tests to confirm this belief.
§ Stephanie Ralph (LEG) sent Laura comments which Laura can make available. Major points are: 1) under On Site Loans no language is needed about payment of replacement charges to the public libraries if they always create a separate patron record; 2) the policy is unclear about the replacement bill service charge, the replacement processing fee, and fines after the item is billed; 3) the very last paragraph of the proposed section V (C) is unclear even though it is the current language in the manual.
§ Several people commented on practices regarding the payment of fines when a patron returns an overdue book. Practices vary widely. It is pretty clear that when fines are collected at UMS libraries, they deposit funds in the system-wide account. If the public libraries collect fines, they keep the money for their library. Generally people felt that overdue fines are a matter between the patron and the patron’s home library, and not between the patron and the lending library.
VI. InfoNet policy decision meeting Dec. 3rd
Stephanie Bresett (FK) is unable to attend on Dec. 3. Louise will represent the Circulation Heads group. Also attending: Laura Gallucci, Joyce Rumery, David Nutty, and perhaps Casandra Fitzherbert.
Laura would like comments from all libraries on each agenda item before the meeting.
IXc Update, removing last patron number from item records (Laura SYS)*
System Global purge has been done and the patron number has been removed in all items with lcheckin prior to 7/1/04.
Laura reviewed the rapid update procedures. She warned us not to use Millenium rapid update because it consumes all the workstation resources until update is complete. It is up to each library to determine how often to run the procedure and how to coordinate with catalogers if desired. All library directors were in favor of removing data promptly.
V Mailing Labels
Stephanie Bresett (FK) inquired whether people encountered any problems using labels without full street addresses for delivery service items. She makes simple labels for sending things through the delivery service, but she is getting requests for preprinted mailing labels from others.
Janet Babb (OCLS) recommends that labels for sites and centers have the complete address. Otherwise it seemed acceptable to use the labels available at the MSL delivery page or to print your own even if they lack a complete street address.
VII InnReach replacement fee - is everyone charging/paying $75 per item? (Judith, UMA)
Many different experiences were shared involving both the appropriateness of a $75 charge and the efficacy of contacting the lending library to negotiate a more appropriate charge. It appears that the billing function does not access the item cost if it is entered in the lending library’s item record. Therefore, the $75 is an attempt to average the cost of the types of mateials being loaned. However, there is such a variety of libraries in the system, and such a range of prices, it does not accurately reflect the cost of a specific lost item. Laura Gallucci felt that patrons may be discouraged from using the system because of the high replacement charges. Laura will look for alternatives and will make sure to bring this up at the Maine InfoNet policy decision meeting.
The next circulation call will be on January 20th from 9 to 10 am.
Tabled Agenda Items
IV. Multi-User cards (Nancy, PI)*
VIII. Patron address problems, i.e. inaccurate addresses, missing addresses (Stephanie, FK)*
IX. a. Policy manual update (update Multi User card section) (Laura, SYS)*
IX. b. Updating authentication database (Janet, FAR)*
X. Renewing Requestor items that are overdue or billed