10AM – 2PM

OCTOBER 15, 2004


Present:  Laura Gallucci, SYS; Janet Brackett, FAR; Judith Clarke, AUG; Barbara Higgins, BPL; Stephanie Bresett, FK;  Greg Stowe, LAW; Stephanie Ralph, LEG; Dale Kuczinski, LEW; Louise Hinkley, MSL; Janet Babb, OCLS; Jerry Lund, ORO; Nancy Fletcher, PI; Judith Nottage, UC; Casandra Fitzherbert, USM.


Absent:  Machias Representative.


Agenda Item I.  Call to order:  Meeting called to order.

        Barbara Higgins volunteered to be secretary for the day.


Agenda Item II.  Approval of August minutes.

         Approval of September minutes.


Agenda Item III.  General policy manual tune up:

Changes were made in the Ursus Circulation Policy Manual to                                                                 the following:


.                    III.  General Policies

B.     Identification Card Policy

C.     Material Returns Policy

F.      Course Reserves

                                   See manual for “last updated 10-15-04”.


                                   Discussion of IV. On Site Loans

A.     General -

Nancy Fletcher (PI) asked, now that all Ursus patrons have library cards, what is the difference if a patron uses requestor or walks in?

Stephanie Bresett (FK) stated that Fort Kent will check out on any Ursus card.

Jerry Lund (ORO) stated that Orono has more control and recourse for getting books back from their own patrons than from ours.

Judy Nottage (UC) stated that BPL patrons have been able to borrow on site at UC for several years.  The only trouble they run into involves billed books.

Laura Gallucci (SYS) wonders what loan rules would apply if we checked out to each other’s patrons on site. She also wonders how this would affect the load balance.

This has been tabled to the next meeting.


                                  Changes were made in the Policy Manual to the following:

                                                     IV.  On Site Loans

                                                             C. Overdue charges – rewritten to separate

             fines and replacements. 


                                  Discussion ensued on changing the title of the manual so it clearly

                                  reflects Ursus, not Maine InfoNet or any other system.  We have

                                  changed the title from UMS  Libraries Circulation Policy Manual to

                                   Ursus Libraries Circulation Policy Manual.  We have also changed

                                  the Mission Statement to reflect Ursus instead of UMS.


                                   Changes were made in the Policy Manual to the following:

V.     Requestor Function Loans

A.     General – struck the 2nd paragraph

B.     Overdue Charges – rewritten to separate fines          and replacements as in IV.C.  And reworded to reflect library to library payments AND patron to library payments.

See manual for “last updated 10-15-04”.


Tabled Manual discussion until later in this meeting.



Agenda Item VI.  Removing last patron number from item records:

                             The Systems Office plans to remove the last patron numbers from

                             items last updated prior to July 1, 2004.  This will be a global purge.

                             Laura will email the catalogue standards committee before the global

                             purge to make them aware of the change to the last updated date.

                             Laura will also bring this up at the Director’s Meeting on October 22, 


                             Once the global purge of last patron numbers is complete, each Ursus

                             library will update their own records.  We can each decide  whether to

                             keep last patron numbers in for a specific time or remove them                      



Agenda Item VII.  Training for Offline Circ:

                             We will not use the Offline Circ software at this time.  Uploading has 

                              to be done one library at a time. This is too cumbersome for our



Agenda Item VIII.  Training for Handheld Scanners:

                              Laura reports that this software does not work well now.  It is being

                            revised in Millenium Release 2005 (coming in June).  We will look at

                             this again after that Release.



Back to Agenda Item III.  Training Manual Revisions:


                              Changes were made in the Policy Manual to the following:

V.     Requestor Function Loans

D.  Loaning Library – changed “Loaning” to “Lending” and struck    

                                           all in red.

E.      Exceptions – struck all from 1st paragraph regarding MSL

Except “See K. Processing Procedure: Special: MSL for


- struck all from 2nd paragraph regarding UNET Centers/

                                                Sites except “See K. Processing Procedure: Special: OCLS

                                                for detail.”.    

I.        Returns – amended to read same as Material Return Policy  (III.C. in Policy Manual)        .

K.    Processing Procedure: Requestor Processing Procedure

Overview – added all in red to the manual with minor

clerical changes.

      Added OCLS statement left out during preparation for this


                              See manual for “last updated 10-15-04”.


                              VIII.Patron Records

                                      C.  Courtesy Patrons – after discussion regarding expiration     

                                            dates, we decided to strike the 3rd & 4th paragraphs and

                                            the last 2 sentences.  We moved the 2nd paragraph to

                                            become the last line in this section.

                               See manual for “last updated 10-15-04”.

                               Discussion:  Stephanie Bresett (FK) proposed we have one card for

                                all campuses or one card for a patron to use everywhere.  Laura

                                replied that campuses still want to maintain individual identities.


                               XI. Circulation Reports – changed to reflect proper IP address.


                               Appendix B. Out-Of-State Student Requests – replaced “All other

                                System libraries” with “The Maine State Law and Legislative

                               Reference Library” .

                               See manual for “last updated 10-15-04”.


                               Policy Manual Revision  - done for the day.


Agenda Item IV.  Issues with running statements of charges:

                           Stephanie Bresett (FK) stated that the statements features are the

                          opposite of what she wants.  She wants to be able to run statements

                           for other patrons who have Fort Kent’s materials.  Questions asked:

                           - What is our procedure for running statements?

                           - How and when do we run statements?

                           - How will Peoplesoft help or change our procedures?


                           Laura stated that we all agreed to run statements every summer but

                           there are some flaws; such as, a statement’s return address is the

                           library who owns the first item on the patron’s list (not the patron’s

                           home library).  Therefore, we should run statements from a review file

                           composed of our own patrons who owe anything in Ursus.    


                            Laura questions how useful it is to coordinate the running of statements among all the libraries and has tabled this until further notice.  Individual libraries that wish to run statements are not prohibited from doing so.


Agenda Items Tabled to the next meeting:

     V.  Borrowing libraries and overdues

     IX. Updating authentication database

     X. Multi-user cards

     XI. Mailing labels

     XII. Innreach replacement fee

     XIII. Patron address problems

     XIV. Procedural questions for damaged/lost books

     XV. Other


Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 2:15PM.

                         Next meeting will be a Meet Me Call scheduled for November 18, 2004

                         At 9:00AM.

                         We will not meet in December.

                          January’s meeting will be scheduled for January 20, 2004.