System Circulation Heads Meeting

Upcoming Meeting June 2004

Meet me call


Rolling Agenda (items with an asterisk slated for 6/04 discussion)


Last updated 5/24/04


I.                    Call to order*

II.                 Approval of minutes from last meeting*

III.               Borrowing libraries and overdues (Stephanie, LEG)*

IV.              Student extract dates (Stephanie, UMFK)*

V.                 Your library’s books on reserve at another campus?* (Nancy, PI)

VI.              COF in Milcirc (Greg, LAW)*

VII.            Online training * (Laura, SYS)

a.      Millennium Circulation -- ideas for modules

VIII.         Document revision V.C add yearly statements to notice generation*

IX.              Making sure non- requestable items are non-requestable in Maine InfoNet*

X.                 Updating your library’s determiner table (Laura, SYS)*

XI.              Turn on System option to display hold note field (Stephanie, UMFK)

XII.             Review of Millennium Silver enhancements

XIII.         InfoNet lost and billed books policy

XIV.         Other

XIV.    Printing Phone numbers on paging slips (Louise, MSL)*