System Circulation Heads Meeting Agenda

Upcoming Meeting July 15, 2004

Meet me call (581-3545)

9am to 10am


Rolling Agenda (items with an asterisk slated for 7/04 discussion)


Last updated 7/12/04


I.                    Call to order*

II.                 Approval of minutes from last meeting*

III.               Issues with running statements of charges* (Stephanie, FK)*

IV.              Borrowing libraries and overdues (Stephanie, LEG)*

V.                 Student extract dates (Stephanie, UMFK)*

VI.              Your library’s books on reserve at another campus?* (Nancy, PI)

VII.            Updating your library’s determiner table (Laura, SYS)*

VIII.         Progress, turn on System option to display hold note field (Laura,SYS)*

IX.              Checking in requestor books before putting on holdshelf (Judith, UMA)*

X.                 Offline Circ (Janet, FAR)*

XI.              Handheld scanners, usefulness (Janet, FAR)*

XII.            Updating authentication database (Janet, FAR)*

XIII.         Other