System Circulation Heads Meeting

Meet Me call


  August 19, 2004



Present: Laura Gallucci, SYS; Nancy Fletcher, PI; Janet Brackett, FAR; Louise Hinkley, MSL; Judith Clarke, AUG; Janet Babb, OCLS; Stephanie Bresett, FK; Barbara Higgins, BPL; Casandra Fitzherbert, USM; Christine Hepler, LAW; Greg Stowe, LAW; Sherry McCall, LAW.


Absent: Stephanie Ralph, LEG; Jerry Lund, ORO.


I. Call to order:  Meeting called to order


II..Approval of July minutes:  Casandra Fitzherbert (USM) assigned to take August meeting minutes. July meeting minutes discussed with amendments to the following: 4C, 4B,4L. Minutes were accepted as amended.


III. It was announced that Maine State was going live with requestor.  Cards for MSL patrons were in the works. Laura announced that as of Monday, August 23 there would be a location code for pick-up for MSL in the Ursus and Maine Infonet drop down menus. The pick-up location UYTST will go away. Laura also stated that she was seeing statistics being collected in the background since MSL has been using the system for Interlibrary Loan.


IV.              Issues with running statements of charges (tabled until Sept)

V.                 Borrowing libraries and overdues (tabled until Sept)

VI.              Student extract dates (Stephanie, UMFK)*

Stephanie was concerned that under the new Patron cleanup procedures, students whose patron records had expired would still have access to electronic resources they were not entitled to.  ? Laura checked and noted that patrons are loaded for the current semester only. Older extract dates are purged regularly.


VII.  Your library’s books on reserve at another campus?* (Nancy, PI)


Nancy has had the experience of Faculty requesting materials from another library only to put the borrowed material on reserve for the semester.  She wanted clarification of the process since we have no official policy. Following a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons , we decided amongst ourselves that we did not want to do this.  Laura agreed to draft a statement for the policy manual and bring it to the next meeting.


VIII.  Updating your library’s determiner table (Laura, SYS)*

Laura offered to update the determiner tables for any library that wanted a cleanup.  UMS, MSL, LAW and FAR indicated they were interested.


XI.  Progress, turn on System option to display hold note field (Laura,SYS)*

Laura reported that this has been done and inquired if there had been any issues as a result. None were noted and it will be left on until further notice. Report any issues to Laura.


X. Checking in requestor books before putting on holdshelf. (Judith, UMA)


 If item is not checked in at the borrowing library, cannot view the item in the hold queue and it would not appear on an outstanding holds list.


Stephanie (UMFK) stated that the exception to this was for sites and centers. Items going to these pick-up locations must be checked directly out to the patron.


Louise indicated that the borrowing library must check in all MSL items when they are received. Items going to the sites and centers from MSL first go to UMA where the book is checked out to the patron.


Laura will provide a list of exceptions and the policies will be reviewed in September to accept. We were also reminded that the sites and centers record each step in a log. This will also be included in the policy statement.


Laura also indicated that the issue of checking materials out to patrons who live out of state is an agenda item for the upcoming director’s meeting.


XIV.  Other:


 MSL having difficulty getting accurate addresses for patrons from the UMS. The notice picks up the address from the first address field, which may or may not be accurate, or be the patron’s local address. MSL would like to send notices to the patron’s home library. The home library has the same issues and it was suggested that notices be sent to the patron’s email address.  Laura indicated that the information is loaded from the HR / ISIS database, therefore that information  is not correct, but there is not much that can be done about it. 


Mention was made that the ISIS hold that may be available system wide due to Peoplesoft functionality.


There was a question of items that are double billed, as in showing up on a patron’s bill twice. Gregg offered an explanation stating that it occurs when a billed book is renewed without being checked in and becomes overdue & billed again.


Respectfully submitted,


Casandra Fitzherbert, Recorder of the Day