Enhancements Release 2002 Phase 3
¤ A new fixed-length field will be added to the patron
record to store the date of last circulation activity, as opposed to the
existing "last updated" date.
¤ The text of circulation notices will be enhanced to
allow up to 15 lines of text and blank lines.
¤ A new system option will allow libraries to specify
which fields will show in the initial patron display in Circulation Desk mode.
¤ Staff will be able to view patron records that are
in use by the system.
¤ Receipts for payments will show the original amount
of the charge, the amount paid, any amount remaining, and any amount waived.
¤ Many of the circulation parameters will be available
for viewing and editing by authorized staff from Millennium Circulation,
including days closed, hours open, loan rules, rule determiner table, patron
block table, text of circulation notices, and time to reshelve. In the
character-based system, these parameters may be viewed from the
"Information About the System" menu.
¤ A new loan rule element will allow libraries to
choose to limit the maximum overdue fine to the cost of the item.
¤ A new circulation parameter allows libraries to
predefine and standardize common manual charges, specifying the amount and
reason for the charge.
¤ For increased efficiency and timeliness, the system
will optionally determine if the patron's pickup location has an item available
that satisfies the hold, and if so, place the hold and generate a page for that
item. If there is no appropriate item available, the system will place the hold
as defined by the library's holds options.
¤ Two new loan rule elements will allow libraries to
optionally charge rental fees for items at the time of checkout or renewal.
. ¤ Web OPAC enhancements for INN-Reach: These
enhancements include the ability to customize the INN-Reach request screen. For
additional enhancements, see the Web OPAC section.
¤ The INN-Reach consortium can customize the request
denied messages displayed in the INN-Reach Central Server Web OPAC.
¤ The pickup location of an INN-Reach item is
displayed in Millennium Circulation upon check out to the remote site.
Circulation statistics will combine new check-out transactions and renewals for
a total number of check-outs. A new report will offer a new column that totals
the number of check-outs and the number of renewals to provide the total number
of items circulated.
¤ The
system will record login statistics for libraries that have purchased unlimited
OPAC users.
¤ The
Web Access Management statistics report will allow viewing of the file by date
¤ In the character-based system, when a booking end
time is automatically recalculated so as to not fall into a library closed
time, the system will no longer ask the question, "The library is closed
at this time… Book anyway?"
Network bandwidth requirements for Millennium will be greatly reduced,
particularly at session startup, through the use of local disk caching by
Millennium clients of frequently used information from the Millennium server.
Network bandwidth requirements for Millennium will be reduced through the use
of data compression in communications between the Millennium clients and the
Millennium server.
¤ Millennium client programs will have enhanced
communications security with the Millennium server through the use of data
¤ The Millennium control bar will be available for
Millennium libraries running one or more of the Java staff Millennium clients.
This new program allows users to launch applications from a new control bar,
rather than from the desktop or browser. The Millennium control bar will be
able to launch the Web OPAC and Web Reports in addition to the Java modules
¤ New Millennium Administration module offers
authorized users access to a collection of administrative features. Create
Lists and Millennium Statistics modes will be available, as will other features
and reports that the library has acquired, such as EJournal Holdings Update,
Link Maintenance Report, and Advanced System Access and Administration.
¤ At libraries that use scoped logins for editing
records, those scopes will be enforced when using Rapid Update in any module.
Records out of scope will not be updated.
¤ It will be possible to specify which indexes are
available for searching in each Millennium application. It will also be
possible to specify the order in which those indexes appear.
¤ Staff will be able to limit a range of records
searched and retrieved in Millennium Create Lists to only records within their
current scope.
¤ Staff will be able to export lists of records from
Millennium Create Lists. When exporting lists, users will be able to specify a
delimiter, a text qualifier, a repeated field delimiter, and a maximum field
length, and to create a delimited output rather than a formatted output.
¤ An automatic nightly process will check for and
clear records that are unnecessarily set to "in-use-by-system." Note
that this feature is not turned on by default and requires setup by Innovative.
¤ When the Innovative system is rebooted, an automatic
process will check for and clear records that are unnecessarily set to
¤ A new function will allow authorized users to view a
list of all records that are "in-use-by-system."
¤ Upon conversion to Phase 3, the system will make
available 10 additional system printer entries, which staff may select when
printing from Millennium applications.
¤ When using the "Email Printer" (sending
print output to an email address), the user will have an opportunity to enter a
free-text comment to be included in the body of the message preceding the print
¤ A new manager-controlled option will offer the
ability to exit the Millennium application completely when the session times
¤ All
Millennium applications will offer an option for authorized users to free
records in use.