Finding Items with outstanding holds for your Library
It is no longer possible to effectively manipulate the View outstanding holds report to view the items from your library that have outstanding holds. Instead, take advantage of the Items with Holds list that is automatically created each day by the URSUS system. In order to find the items with outstanding holds for your library in this list, do the following:
Character based URSUS:
1. Select an empty review file in Create Lists.
2. Select 1 > Copy an existing file.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of review files. There will be a bunch at the end that have no “Max Recs” entries in them. These are auto generated review files.
4. Select the line number for Items with HOLDS.
5. Select the review file you want to copy this list to. If you choose a review file that already has something in it, it will overwrite, so try to choose an empty file. You’ll be prompted with a “Copying Items with Holds to empty (or whatever file you want to overwrite), is this correct y/n?” Say yes. File will copy.
6. Now you will need to manipulate. Select a second empty review file. Create a new file (items) with the following logic: location (16) between (W) enter range of item location codes AND overdue date (12) does not equal (~) press spacebar twice for blank date. Press the \ to select the range. Select your Items with HOLDS review file. Name it and search. Sort by overdue date.
Millennium Create Lists
1. From within Millennium Circulation, select Create Lists Mode.
2. Select an empty review file.
3. Click the Copy button.
4. From the popup window, scroll to the end, find and select the review file “Items with Holds.”
5. Click OK.
6. The review file will copy to the selected location.
7. To create a review file of items with holds for your library, select another empty review file.
8. Click on the Search records button
9. Name the review file.
10. Select Item from Store record type drop down menu
11. From the drop down menu that says Range, select Review.
12. From the Review file drop down menu, select the Items with Holds file you copied.
13. Double click on the box below Type, select Item.
14. Double click on the box below Field, select location
15. Double click on the box below Condition, select Between.
16. Beneath Value A, type the first part of the item location range. Double click on the box below Value B and type in the end of the range.
17. Click on Append
18. Double click on the box below Type, select Item.
19. Double click on the box below Field, select overdue date
20. Double click on the box below Condition, select Does not equal
21. Leave Value A blank
22. Click on Search (bottom of screen) and OK.
23. When search is done, click on sort button.
24. Click on append
25. Double click on the box below Type, select Item.
26. Double click on the box below Field, select Overdue date.
27. Click OK and it will sort.
Laura Gallucci