01> z ART ORIGINAL — Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic. An original work of art.
Associated item types: 24-Art Original
02> 3 ARTIFACT/MODEL — Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object.
Associated item types: 27 – model; 80 – Artifact.
03 > b BOOK — Language material. Nonmanuscript language material, microforms of nonmanuscript language material and essentially textual electronic resources. Class Ebooks as Material type 4. Books, Pamphlets, Technical reports, Typescripts (multiple reproductions), relevant Loose-leaf updates not classed as a serial.
Associated item types: 1 – Book; 11 – microform;
04 > q CHART — Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic.
Associated item types: 15 – chart
05 > c COMPUTER FILE — Computer file. Items included in the following classes of electronic resources: computer software (including programs, games and fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services. For these classes of materials, if a significant aspect causes it to fall into another Type category, code for that significant aspect.
Other classes are coded for their most significant aspect (e.g., language material, graphic or cartographic material, sound, music and moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file. For additional information, see “Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines.”
Associated item types: 2 – software; 3 – compact disk;
06 > 4 EBOOKS — Computer file. An item included in the following class of electronic resources, commonly referred to as an eBook.
Associated item types: 97 – ebook
07> 7 E-SERIAL — Language material not government document. Any serial in electronic format.
Associated item types: 51-ejournal
08 > e EDU MATERIALS — Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic and / or Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object. Combines the former material types for Activity Card, Flash Cards, Games and Kits into one material type representing mostly K-12 curriculum materials.
Associated item types: 9 – Kit; 26 – Flash card; 49-Activity card; 21 – Game;
09> f FILM/FILMSTRIP — Projected medium. Motion picture material specifically designed for overhead projection.
Associated item types: 4 – filmstrip; 5 –film; 72 – reel to reel
10 > 5 GOV DOC – Any government document NOT classed as a gov doc computer file, gov doc map or gov doc serial.
Associated item types: 40 – gov doc
11 > y GOV DOC COMPUT — Computer file. Items included in the following classes of electronic resources: computer software (including programs, games and fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services. For these classes of materials, if a significant aspect causes it to fall into another Type category, code for that significant aspect.
Other classes are coded for their most significant aspect (e.g., language material, graphic or cartographic material, sound, music and moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file. For additional information, see “Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines.” Associated item types: 2 – software; 3 – compact disk;
12 > 1 GOV DOC MAPS – Government document cartographic material. Nonmanuscript maps, globes, atlases, aeronautical charts, navigational charts, celestial charts, remote-sensing images, computer-generated maps and other cartographic material. Microforms of nonmanuscript cartographic materials. Manuscript cartographic material. Manuscript cartographic materials. Microform of manuscript cartographic materials and map theses.
Associated item types: 19 – map
13 > x GOV DOC SERIAL — Language material. Nonmanuscript language material, microforms of nonmanuscript language material and essentially textual electronic resources.
Associated item types: 17 – serial
14 > n MANUSCRIPT — Manuscripts are items written by hand or unpublished “single instance” items (a handwritten letter, hand-drawn map, handwritten score or galley proof). The handwritten or “single instance” characteristic distinguishes an item as a manuscript, compared with a mass printing, mass-produced or multiple-copy publications. Language materials in handwritten, typescript (single instance) or computer printout, including printed materials completed by hand or by keyboard. The intention of these materials is usually, either implicitly or explicitly, to exist as a single instance. This includes marked or corrected galley and page proofs, manuscript books, legal papers and unpublished theses and dissertations. Use also for microforms of manuscript language material.
Associated item types: 12 – manuscript;
15 > u MAP — Cartographic material (NOT government documents maps). Nonmanuscript maps, globes, atlases, aeronautical charts, navigational charts, celestial charts, remote-sensing images, computer-generated maps and other cartographic material. Microforms of nonmanuscript cartographic materials. Manuscript cartographic material. Manuscript cartographic materials. Microform of manuscript cartographic materials and map theses.
Associated item types: 19 – map
16 > 6 ME FOLKLIFE CR – All Maine Folklife Center materials.
17 > m MICROFORM — Microforms, whether original or reproductions, are not identified by a distinctive type of record code. The type of material that was filmed takes precedence over the microform characteristics. Determine the type of material of the original item and use that format. Use Scores for microforms of scores, Books for microforms of books, Serials for microforms of serials, Maps for microform of maps, Mixed material for microforms of mixed collections.
Associated item types: 11 – microform;
18 > p PICTURE — Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic.
Associated item types: 14 – picture
19 > l REALIA — Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object.
Associated item types: 10 – realia
20 > o SCORES — Notated music. Printed music material, including full score, choirs score, close score, condensed score, miniature score, part, books of musical studies and exercises. Includes microform and electronic notated music. Manuscript notated music. Manuscript music, microforms of manuscript music and score theses. Associated item types: 13 – scores
21 > s SERIALS — Language material not government document. Nonmanuscript language material, microforms of nonmanuscript language.
Associated item types: 17 – serial
22 > h SLIDE — Projected medium.
Associated item types: 7 – slide;
23 > r SOUND, MUSIC — Musical sound recording.
Associated item types: 0 – Cassette – Audio; 3 – compact disk; 16 – record; 72 – reel to reel; 73 — computer file – audio; 87 – laserdisc;
24> a SOUND, NONMUSIC — Nonmusical sound recording. Nonmusical sounds (e.g., books on tape, speech). Use also for sound effects; bird calls; physical exercise recordings (e.g., aerobic workouts) that consist of spoken, shouted, sung or chanted instructions over musical accompaniment; stories read over incidental music accompaniment and plays with incidental music.
Associated item types: 0 – Cassette – Audio; 3 – compact disk; 16 – record; 70 – audio book; 73 — computer file – audio
25 > v VIDEO RECORDIN — Projected medium.
Associated item types: 8 – videodisk; 20 – cassette – video;69 – DVD; 87 – laserdisc; 90 – computer file – video.
Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic. Cards, charts, collages, computer graphics, drawings, duplication masters, flash cards, paintings, photonegatives, photoprints, pictures, postcards, posters, prints, spirit masters, study prints, technical drawings, transparency masters, photomechanical reproductions and reproductions of any of these. Include any bound collections of reproducible masters.
Projected medium. Filmstrips, motion pictures, slides, transparencies, videorecordings (including digital videos) and material specifically designed for overhead projection. All of the included media are intended for projection.
Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object. Models, dioramas, games, puzzles, simulations, sculptures and other three-dimensional art works, exhibits, machines, clothing, toys and stitchery.
Also for microscope specimens (or representations of them) and other specimens mounted for viewing.