Adding New Items to existing Bibliographic records

Look up the book you want to catalog one of 3 ways: title, author, or isbn.

Title is the easiest choice.  Make sure the drop-down menu says title, then type the title into the box and click search.


Look in the results to try to find the one that matches your book.  Some rows may be expanded by double clicking on them.

Double click on a title that matches your book

Now you need to look to see if all of the details match.  Click on the VIEW button.


Here are the places to look in a record to see if it matches with your book:


  • 020: ISBN (International Standard Book Number) –  Does it match the number on the book?  (This number is often on the back cover by the barcode or in the first few pages, on the page facing the title page)
  • 100: Author – is it the same person?  If there are dates, do those seem in the right timeframe?
  • 245: Title – Does this title match the one on the title page of the book (Check the title page—the page inside that lists the title all the way out, not just the cover of the book!)  Is this record for the right edition of the book?
  • 260: Publication information – Do the date of publication, publisher, and place of publication match what is in your book (again, check the page with the copyright information–facing the title page.
  • 300: Physical Description – Are there the same number of pages?  Is the book the same height? (These can be saved for cases when you’re really not sure based on the other information—like if there are different editions of the same book..)

If the book does not match, try looking in another record.
If it still does not match, set it aside (for the z39.50 directions) and move on to the next book.

Adding Items in SOLAR

If it does match, hooray!  Now it is time to add your item.

Click on the EDIT button at the top of the screen.


Double click in the box next to location.




1. Click the Add location button, and
add your 3 letter location code [wrl]

2. Enter

3. Click OK

Check the initials to make sure the record is set to contribute to MaineCat. If the initials are set to “n” or “0” change initials to “-” so it will be added to MaineCat.


Now click on the summary button



The system will ask you if you want to save changes – you do.

On this summary screen, click “Attach New Item”


A new screen comes up and prompts you for whatever fields you have set in your item templates. The prompts allow you to quickly enter info that is needed in every record. It will also automatically fill in information that is always the same.  For items outside the standard book, general location, etc., you can go in and change the details once the record is created.  If you regularly create other items that meet a specific pattern, we can create another template for them, which you choose when you start cataloging each session. For more info about that, please submit a query to Support.


For example, in this example, it prompts for the item call number

1. Type in the information you want in the call number or note field

2. Click Next.

3. Add or change any additional info you want in the item record.

Now SAVE by clicking on the Save button.


That’s it!  Your item has been added to the catalog.

You can now see it in the list of items—the one with location starting your 3 letter library code.




To edit the item record,

double click the item from your location.

You can also DELETE

by checking the box in front of your item (make sure you don’t get others), and clicking on delete.


To find this record again,

just search for it like you did at the beginning.