Hello all-Here’s an agenda and link for our Zoom call Tuesday, May 9. * MSL updates from Lori * Maine Infonet updates (including reciprocal borrowing,…
Digital Maine Library
Statewide Zoom
The agenda and link for the Zoom Meeting ~ 4/11/23, 3:15 pm. * MSL updates from Lori * Welcome Jenna Davis, LSTA coordinator * Reading…
CANCELLED Statewide Zoom ~ Tuesday, 3/14
PI day and Zoom day! Feel free to snack on your favorite pie while Zooming!Here is an agenda and the login information.We Zoom at 3:15 pm. …
Statewide Zoom ~ 3:15 pm
Agenda: * Help ME Grow program overview (https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ocfs/support-for-families/child-development) * MPLF awards * Annual report time * Van delivery invoices * Surveys coming your way * …
Statewide Zoom
Here’s a brief agenda and Zoom info for our discussion on Wednesday, November 9, 3:15 pm. * State Librarian update * Fall Council (register!) * …
Gale ChiltonLibrary enhancements coming November 1st!
Gale’s ChiltonLibrary is getting an update -currently scheduled for November 1. ChiltonLibrary will offer an enhanced user experience with added features and functionality. Notable enhancements include: Improved search capability,…
Statewide ZOOM ~ 10/11/22, 3:15pm
Topic: Continuing the Conversation Brief agenda: * State Librarian position update * Psychological first aid workshop opportunity * Environmental Sustainability Discussion group invitation * Bendable fireside…
Statewide ZOOM ~ 9/13/22
Topics for discussion: * MSL interim leadership team * State librarian position update * Maine Library Advisory Council (MLAC) elections and voting * Fall Council…
Statewide Zoom – Tuesday, July 12
Tuesday, July 12, 2022 Join Zoom Meeting at 3:15 pm https://mainestate.zoom.us/j/81213023053?pwd=R1Iza3NQa3hySDhDV2l6NXhRQTBEdz09 Meeting ID: 812 1302 3053
World Book Online training webinar Oct 21 2021
Here’s an upcoming webinar that may be of interest to librarians that support teachers and students: Join Jessica Rotheiser, World Book training specialist, to learn all…