Retention commitment note now displayed in the URSUS OPAC

MSCS is pleased to announce that retention commitments made by MSCS partners who are members of URSUS (University of Maine, Univerity of Southern Maine, Maine State Library and Bangor Public library) are now flagged by a “MSCC” note in the URSUS OPAC. The note indicates that the item has been committed to retain for at least the next 15 years. Here is an example.

The text “MSCC” links to a description on the Maine Shared Collections Strategy website of MSCC Retention Copies. The label is abbreviated to MSCC for “Maine Shared Collections Cooperative” which will be the post-grant name for the project.

The purpose of the note is to allow libraries to use the retention commitments made by MSCS libraries as a guide when making their own retention decisions.

Website additions, Subcommittee activities

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve begun to add pages for our project subcommittees, focused on technical services/systems work and collection management, respectively.  Our goal is to provide these spaces as a place for subcommittee members to view and post project activities and documentation in addition to general information such as meeting summaries. The subcommittee pages are linked from the People portion of the site.

Speaking of subcommittee activities, the Technical Services subcommittee is making steady progress on the OCLC reclamation project and is scheduled to have that wrapped up by the end of the month. They are also investigating the WorldCat Knowledge Base as a method for incorporating electronic holdings into WorldCat. The Collection Management subcommittee is working on developing a formula to apply to our shared monographs in order to assist with decision-making. (If you have any opinions on data elements to consider, please let us know!)