MaineCat Print-On-demand Service back online

Maine Shared Collections are pleased to announce that the MaineCat Print-On-Demand service is back online.

In January 2014, approximately 1.4 million records were loaded into MaineCat that look like this: These records link to electronic copies of public domain titles made available by HathiTrust and Google Books. The records are part of Maine Shared Collection Strategy’s efforts to provide on-demand services to the wider Maine community.

For more information about the services please see:

MSCS release retention commitment change policy & transfer procedure

The Maine Shared Collections Strategy have produced a policy and procedure to address situations when libraries identify on a limited title-by-title basis (i.e., not in large batches) titles which should have their retention commitment removed or transferred to another library. See Policy on Retention Commitment Changes and Procedure for the External Transfer of Retention Commitments.