System Emergencies

Steps to follow when Minerva goes down

These steps are in a convenient flowchart for printing out here: Minerva Down.pdf

Do you see a login screen?

YES: It might be your login, or might be a shaky connection.  Sierra is SUPER sensitive to connections. . Submit a ticket to with 1. login you’re using, 2. text of any error message, 3.history of using that login

NO: Continue.

Does the Internet generally work?

NO: Sierra needs the internet to work.
– Check local connections (plugs).
– Talk to your system person or contact your ISP to regain service.
– Use local offline procedures till fixed

YES: Continue.

Is there an outage reported at

YES: Follow any directions in the update tweet. Go to local offline procedures. Don’t bother with email, calls, or tickets unless there is a request for more info.

NO: Continue.

Please wait 5 minutes and try to login again.  Is it back? Is there a new notification tweet?

IT’S BACK: Yay! Get back to work.

THERE’S A TWEET: Follow any directions in the update tweet. Go to local offline procedures. Don’t bother with email, calls, or tickets unless there is a request for more info from InfoNet.

NO: Continue

Have other libraries reported outages on the Minerva-L list?

1. Write to Minerva-L (not MELIBS) to ask if others are out. Please include the following info:
a) Approx. time the problem started.
b) What you were doing at the time (just starting, kicked out, what module?)
c) What is/is not working (Sierra Desktop/SDA Staff interface, Public OPAC, Self Check, other API products, Maine Digital Library logins)
2. Call InfoNet staff (numbers at We will be appreciative, (although we may be brusque). If it is evening or weekends, call JJS’s cell phone.
3. Use local offline procedures.
4. Note that InfoNet staff doesn’t watch the listservs in real time, so we may not see something reported there promptly.

1. Write to Minerva-L to confirm that multiple libraries are out. Please include the following info:
a) Approx. time the problem started.
b) What you were doing at the time (just starting, kicked out, what module?)
c) What is/is not working (Millennium, specific modules, OPAC, Self Check, other API products, Marvel! logins)
2. Call InfoNet staff (numbers at We will be appreciative, (although we may be brusque). If it is evening or weekends, call JJS’s cell phone.
3. Use local offline procedures.

3+ EMAILS: Watch for updates or instructions. Don’t bother emailing the list or calling. We will have noticed and are probably on the phone or updating twitter right then. If it has been an hour with no acknowledgement from InfoNet, then try calling.