Minerva Statistics Reporting Tools

Minerva’s statistical reporting tools are powerful, but sometimes confusing. In addition, they do not exactly match the ways in which Minerva operates, particularly with respect to online requesting and lending. As a result, some background information is needed to understand which tool to use and how to use it for various purposes.

Web Management Reports (website)

Web Management Reports (http://minerva.maine.edu/manage) reports primarily circulation statistics, including interlibrary lending and borrowing statistics. Just point your browser at http://minerva.maine.edu/manage/. You can find more information in the online manual.

Directions on obtaining key circulation activity statistics can be found at https://maineinfonet.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/1000226551

Sierra Statistics (in the staff module)

The Statistics functionality focuses on collection statistics. If the Statistics function is not visible in your function menu, please submit a ticket to have it enabled for your username. You can find more information regarding the Statistics function in the online manual.


Lending transactions specifically through the MaineCat Inn-Reach system are reported on the MaineCat statistical site.  Please note that the MaineCat site runs an outdated version of Java, and therefore will not work correctly in most browsers!  In order to look at MaineCat stats, you will need to use the old Internet Explorer (still available on windows machines under your start menu in “Windows Accessories” folder), or an alternate browser like Pale Moon (https://www.palemoon.org/).