Follow these steps if you wish to create a new original record using an existing Minerva bib record as a guide:
- Open record to be copied.
- Go to Edit, click “copy record”. This will “release” the record being copied and will not create a duplicate when the following editing is performed.
- Edit the fixed fields: change location, cat date, mat type, input, initials, country.
- Right click Marc leader, expand, make appropriate changes.
- Remove 001-006 fields.
- Add or edit 007 and 008. These are required fields.
- Remove all fields above the main entry that are not applicable, and add new ISBN and other mfg numbers.
- Edit 264, 300, and the rest of the record.
- Insert a 929 field with your five letter code (your library’s three letter code, plus your two initials).
Revision September 30, 2022