Acceptable Cataloging for Minerva Libraries

In order to meet standards, bibliographical records in the Minerva catalog must meet the criteria outlined in this policy. The policy follows below:

Acceptable Cataloging for Minerva Libraries

Bibliographic records in the Minerva Catalog will conform to RDA rules except in special circumstances allowed by the Cataloging Standards Committee.

Records must be in correct MARC format and will include all appropriate MARC tags, indicators, and subfields.

The Fixed Fields section of the Bibliographic Record will be complete with all required information, including correct material type, language, non-filing characters, location, language, country, input library, and initials. New records will have the cataloging date entered.

The MARC Leader will be complete with correct codes for Record Type, Status, and Cat Form “i” (ISBD/RDA) in particular.

The record will include all the following fields:

• 001 field, used for OCLC numbers only. (This is already an approved Minerva standard.) 001 fields containing non-OCLC numbers must be deleted. **

• 008 field with complete information including dates and country code.

• 010 field containing the LC control number if assigned.

• 019 and 049 fields are no longer valid MARC fields (see Library of Congress MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data), so they can be deleted.

• 020 fields with ISBN if one has been assigned and it appears inside or on the cover of the item, or ISSN in the 022. ISBNs that do not pertain to the item in hand will be removed from the record.

• Nonprint, audiovisual material records will have a complete and correct 007 field for physical description.

• 1XX field for the main entry if applicable, with correct indicators and the correct LC authority record form of the entry.

• Title information will be entered in 245 field following RDA rules for transcription. Correct indicators and subfields will be present, and correct punctuation will be observed. In compliance with RDA cataloging rules, GMDs will not be added to the 245. When importing bib records from remote sources, GMDs found will be removed.

• 250 edition statement if applicable.

• 264 fields containing place of publication, publisher, and date, using correct subfields. In the absence of any of those details, repeated 264 fields will provide place, name, and date of distribution, manufacture, copyright, in the order described by RDA. The MARC 260 field is obsolete and will not be used.

• 300 physical description field with pagination, illustration details, and size in centimeters. Information regarding additional materials will be included as needed.

• 336, 337, 338 MARC fields for content, media, and carrier description.
• 336 field stating “|still image|bsti|2rdacontent when applicable.
• 340 field stating “|nlarge print” when applicable.

• 490 fields for series information if applicable. MARC 440 is obsolete and will not be used.

• 500 or 538 note with system details for audiovisual materials, as described in previously approved MCSC standard policy. **

• 504 bibliography note (optional) will include pagination when possible.

• 520 field for summary note (optional field) will be no longer than 50 words in length. Content should be objective and non-judgmental in nature and should not include excessive plot detail. The summary note is not a review of the material.

• 6XX subject access field will be entered with correct indicators and subdivisions. Library of Congress subject headings will be used except where MeSH headings are required.

• 7XX added entry fields are included when applicable; the correct authority form of names will be used.

• 8XX series added entry fields are included when applicable. URL links to non- site specific resources are given in 856 notes.

• 929 When making a correction to a bibliographic record or creating a new record from remote or scratch, please add a 929 field with your library’s three letter code, plus your two initials.  For example:  opllj (Orono Public Library, Louise Jolliffe).

In addition to the specific requirements listed above, bibliographic records will observe all previously approved Minerva Cataloging Standards and practices, including those that detail the proper handling of special formats and material types.

When a new library is admitted to Minerva, its bibliographical records must be examined and approved by the Maine InfoNet cataloging specialist and/or representatives of the Cataloging Standards Committee before loading.

Any standards that are approved in the future must also be observed.
Revisions made by the Minerva Cataloging Committee June 21, 2024.