Creating a Patron Record
Each patron record must contain only one patron name in the (N) field and a 14-digit barcode. The name should be entered as follows: last name, first name middle initial. No other punctuation should be entered on this line and only one (N) field is permitted per patron record.
No other information is required. However, libraries are strongly encouraged to include or use the following information:
- Legal name
- Phone Number, with area code, no parentheses
- Email address
- Physical address
- Birth date
- License Number
Libraries are prohibited from collecting patron social security numbers
All patron records must expire after one year. Expired patrons with no outstanding charges must be purged from the system after five years.
It is permissible to create “dummy records” for internal purposes, such as “TPL cataloging” or similar records. All such record names must start with the three-character abbreviation for the library; i.e. TPL, BML, etc. Interlibrary loan items requested on these accounts may not be used for displays and must adhere to all limitations imposed by the system (such as hold shelf and circulation periods and renewal eligibility).