Suzanne Sullivan Auburn * Nancy Meservier Bailey * Mary Pinkham Boothbay Harbor* Pat Bishop EMMC * Ellen Conway Falmouth * Mary Lehmer Freeport * Robin Lowell Freeport * Ann Russell Gardiner * Michelle Firmin Kaplan S. Portland * Bernie Alie Kennebunk * Michelle Williams Kennebunk * Karen Jones Lewiston * Wynter Giddings Lithgow * Peggy Malley Ludden * Nancy Noble * Maine Historical Society * Jim Roy MSO * Cora Damon MaineGeneral Medical Center * Sharon Mrowka McArthur * Katherine Morgan Norway * Adam Bohanan Patten * Carrie Hawks Patten * Holly Williams Pittsfield * Greta Evans Rice * Simone Roy Rice * Kim Slocomb Rockport * Luke Sorensen Rumford * Daria Rosen St Joseph’s * Denise Menard Scarborough * Matthew Davis Thomas College * Helen Tomer Tophsam * Cindy Dykes Walker * Anne Mosey Wells * Sally Bannen Windham * Annette Tanguay YCCC * Michele Adams York High School * Kim Myers York Public * Lisa Gallant York School Dept. * Valeries Frechette CMCC
_Technical/Training_ (Lynn Uhlman Maine InfoNet)
There were a low percentage of issues for Minerva during the migration to Sierra. However there are some libraries experiencing issues such as Sierra not staying up, and at certain libraries networks are throttling Sierra. URSUS is having issues too and needed re-indexing twice.
Slowness in Minerva still persists; it is a known issue at iii and it continues to be worked on.
Cataloging policies on the Maine InfoNet web site will be updated.
_Cataloging Report_ (Ellen Conway Maine InfoNet)
In general the transitions to RDA and Sierra went well.
_Cataloging Committee Report_ (Katherine Morgan, chair)
There is one meeting left on the calendar year to meet the required three meeting attendance
Maine State Library Outreach is now an URSUS library this means Jim Roy is no longer on the cataloging committee. Carin Dunay has taken over keeping the attendance. You can still use minervaattendance at gmail.com to send confirmation that you have watched a DVD.
I have been noticing that audio bib records are still being cataloged as “Franken” records – meaning half AACR and RDA. So, please use the RDA standards manual and the RDA Toolkit when cataloging. Do not forget that if you have questions or want someone to double check a record that doesn’t look like a true RDA record please email minervarda at maineinfonet.org
Cataloging Committee Members update
Pat Bishop from Eastern Maine Medical Center is a new member representing special libraries
Tweaks and Customizations follow the link below for detailed instructions
_Macros_ are shortcuts that will help you in Sierra
Admin >Settings >Macro. You can put in RDA fields for print, video, audio, etc., diacritics, or other types of shortcuts.
This link will guide you through setting up Macros https://www.maineinfonet.org/minerva/support/cataloging-serials/how-tos-and-guidelines/macros/
_Preference_ will change the font size, but be aware that you cannot change the display. Edit>Preferences in the File menu in order to change font. You can also change color preference here.
_Tile Records _go to Admin>Settings>Windows. Select multi-window mode to tile.
_Look and feel _this is where you can change the display from glacier cool to ½ dome (mountain scene) Settings>Display
_Template prompts_ Admin>Settings>Record templates
Some templates were lost during migration.
_Record view properties_ View>Properties this tells the system what you want to see
_Templates_ Admin>Settings>Record Templates You can build templates for bibliographic, item, order, etc. The link will give instructions on how to set up templates
If you want certain fields to pop up when will to indicate:
Place cursor on variable or fixed field and click prompt
To change order of prompts: go to template and click edit
Highlight field
Right will be “move up” or move down” chose the one you want
_On-fly-records _Admin>Settings> Link to view instructions https://www.maineinfonet.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/On-the-fly.png
_Session statistics_ can keep or not;
_Cataloging Resources:_
Maine InfoNet web site
You can Google Youtube cataloging videos
Thursday, December 11, 2014 at Maine State Library 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Submitted by:
Katherine R. Morgan
Reference and Technical Services
Norway Memorial Library
207-743-5309 ext. 1