Minerva Executive Board Minutes, August 12, 2009
10:00 am – Meeting called to order by Steve Norman.
In attendance were board members: Jay Scherma, Martha Ott, Karen LaForgia, Steve Norman, Cindy White, Liz Doucett, Shelly Davis, Kevin Davis, and Janet Blood (via telephone). Also attending were: James Jackson Sanborn and Alisia Revitt , Maine InfoNet; and Dean Corner, Maine State Library; Betsy Pohl, Lithgow Public Library; Cyndi Burne, Topsham Public Library; and Pam Turner, Baxter Memorial Library.
The minutes of the July meeting were accepted with one correction – Janet Blood was in attendance at that meeting, via telephone.
Maine InfoNet Representative
No report
Maine InfoNet CEO
James reported that an open position for a systems manager has just been posted, and that there have been twelve applicants to date. An intern (a distance MLS student) will start, probably in September, and provide help with systems support, Website work, training and documentation. Maine InfoNet will be moving to new, larger, offices next door to the current offices. The major service issue, of course, is the delivery problem which has closed down requesting in Minerva, MaineCat, and Solar. Intra-Ursus requesting has continued. Regarding the Audiobook service, Portland Public Library dropped its contract with Net Library and used the funds to purchase 150 titles for everyone’s use in OverDrive. A switch in MaineCat is being contemplated to a different automated matching process – hoping to cut down on multiple bib records for the same title.
Minerva Technical
Alisia reported that a circulation group meeting was held. She mentioned that the Millennium update provides options that may be turned on, including one that will affect high demand holds. She will soon be removing South Portland school records and will be working on cleaning up holds. URSUS will upgrade to 2009 this month, but Minerva will wait until version 2009b is issue. She is focusing on preparations for when requesting is turned back on.
Jay said that there are thirteen member libraries that have not paid – reminder notices will go out on September 15. He reported that Pam has resigned as CFO and that no one has yet expressed interest in the position. (It is not onerous, last year only twenty-eight checks were written.) The position pays $500.00 per year, but there is room for negotiation.
Circulation Standards Committee
Cyndi Burne referred to the committee’s written report. She mentioned that the committee is considering suggesting a circulation list, similar to the cataloging list. The committee has been working on a process for library-to-library settling up (in lieu of a “Great Settle-up”). Much discussion ensued regarding their proposal. Liz made a motion and Jay seconded that the circulation standards committee work with a 45 day timetable for settlement and identify a process for library-to-library settlement, then come back to the executive committee. The motion passed unanimously. The executive committee was comfortable with the proposed $20.00 maximum owed for blocking holds and the 15 holds limit.
Cataloging Standards Committee
The committee submitted a written report. Forty-one notices were issued to libraries that hadn’t yet met the three cataloging meetings per year standard. The issue of centralized cataloging for Minerva libraries has been discussed. James reported that it has also been raised by Bangor Public and Portland Public.
No report
A written report was submitted.
Liz made a motion and Janet seconded that the Great Settle-up be abolished. The motion passed unanimously.
Jay made a motion and Janet seconded that once the circulation standards committee arrived at a procedure for settling-up, that we enter into discussion with URSUS and others for an intra-MaineCat settlement procedure.
The proposed graduated funding model engendered much discussion. If approved, it would go into effect for FY 2012. The Agreement to Participate document needs updating (many are not even properly signed). Steve and Judy will be working on this. Jay presented a spreadsheet of the proposed dues structure and its effect on individual libraries (using data collected from the system, standard statistical sources, and individual libraries). The projected budget for 2010/11 is slightly less than 2009/10 and if evenly divided among libraries would yield a $3,693.60 levy. The proposed graduated funding model would take population, collection, circulation and net borrowing/lending into consideration (as well as a member base fee (75% of total)). Liz questioned whether a library’s collection size should impact their levy. She also emphasized that librarians will need tot know the rationale behind the graduated formula in order to articulate the reasons for their Minerva cost increases before their funding bodies. If not, she said that it might be possible for us to lose the larger libraries.
Jay moved that we proceed with the funding model and present it to the Users Council. Liz seconded. A friendly amendment was made that this model be accompanied by a supporting rationale. The motion passed unanimously. Discussion continued on tweaking the formula in various ways. Jay stated that a model that would deliver a budget with flexibility and scope and that would not lose member libraries would be best long-term.
Old Business
Minerva Bags
Delivered and ready for pick-up (in the Maine State Library Studio).
Dean said that although we were done with Velocity Express, we still have all of their totes. We have a signed contract with RMC (Records Management Center), and they may pick up the totes and deliver them to Velocity. RMC is purchasing its own new totes. NCS requested a payment of $7,500 to pickup and distribute the Velocity backlog (NCS collapsed under the burden of our system.) The Head of Purchasing at the State felt that payment would be necessary to shake loose our materials. Colby/Bates/Bowdoin are each chipping in $1,000; Ume, $2,500; and he is requesting $2,000 from Minerva. RMC will be charging $9.75 per stop for two weeks (clearing the backlog) and $8.50 thereafter through June 30, 2010. He felt that RMC is going into this contract with their eyes open. Their drivers will be checking in with library staff. All of them are employees of RMC which has existing routes in nearly all of our locations. Dean acknowledged that billing is in a bit of a mess. Liz made a motion that the Minerva Executive Board would agree to support the State with a payment of $2,000 for payment to NCS. Jay seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The money will come out of our delivery surplus.
Nonprofit Status
Will continue to work on this.
Agreement to Participate
Judy and Steve are spearheading this.
New Business
Financial Officer
Discussed earlier.
Steve spoke with the company and they would be interested in talking with us. It might be a way for individuals to track their reading history.
Unique Management Collection Agency
Raised by the Auburn librarian – an executive summary is attached. Will discuss later.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 9.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 pm.