Minerva Spring Users Council Meeting-June 28 at MSL and on ZOOM!

Read more in General news, Minerva news

The Minerva Spring Users Council meeting will be held on Friday, June 28 from 10am-12pm.

As is customary, the Spring Users Council meeting is primarily virtual. The Maine State Library Studio will be an in-person site, but with limited seating capacity. Zoom will be available for remote participation; the link will be sent out as a reminder closer to the meeting date. There will be no formal remote sites around the state for people to gather. However, if your library has the necessary space and technology to serve as a Zoom site for a small group, please feel free to offer to host your local colleagues. The meeting will be recorded for anyone not able to attend on June 28.

Please note that we will be discussing and voting on proposed bylaws changes at this meeting. No substantive changes, just some minor updates and rearranging of some content. An agenda for the meeting, the draft bylaws document, and the approved FY20 budget may be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10Um0i_tUUBzFmqIpmXIkL_t2P9JDUfG_?usp=sharing Additional documents for the meeting will be posted to the same Google Drive address closer to the meeting.