Jun 14

Minerva Cataloging Roundtable

Read more in Events, Minerva news

Here is the link for the Cataloging Roundtable meeting Friday, June 14th, at 10 am : https://forms.gle/UKMWFMyXWzhmJmmMA .  You will need to fill out the Google form to access the Zoom link.  If for any reason you are not able to access Google forms, please email me or the committee ASAP and we’ll get you the direct link.


  • Welcome and Introductions – Ann Spinney, Ad-hoc Chair.
  • Introduce Cataloging Specialist – Carrie Hawks
  • Reminders

o    Roundtable attendance policy reminder.  

o    Do you want to learn more?

  • Committee members needed!
  • Mentor/Mentee program!
  • Scholarship for initial cataloging training

o    Please check your library’s contact information on the MaineCat Contacts page (https://www.maineinfonet.org/mainecat/libcontacts/) and make corrections by submitting a ticket to Maine InfoNet staff:  (https://maineinfonet.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new

o    Every cataloger should have their own Sierra login/add initials to 929 field – (even if you have an “INPUT LIBRARY” code in the fixed fields)

  • Lynn Uhlman (Maine InfoNet) – technical report
  • Cataloging tips

o    Travel guides instructions now on MaineInfonet support page (https://www.maineinfonet.org/minerva/support/cataloging-serials/cataloging-rules-and-instruction/)

o    E-book vs print book bib importing 

o    Library of things –  Two different approaches – (Sally Bannen and Ann Spinney) 

o    Carrie – presentation on deleting a bib record.

o    Templates – delete or update (future coffee chat with Carrie)

  • Carrie – State Parks Pass – ONE RECORD
  • Time permitting: Lindsey–reminder about juvenile headings
  • Open Q & A session 
  • Next meeting Friday, September 13, 2024