Maine Gale subscribers

Read more in Digital Maine Library, General news
To other Maine schools and libraries with Gale subscriptions,Any Maine school or library with an active Gale database subscription has the option to view and search Marvel’s Gale resources within their own local Gale interface and subscriptions, which is great advantage to your local users.

In order to do this, your account needs to be profiled as a child account under the statewide consortia Marvel account. Making this change will have no other impacts (access, usage, branding, etc) on your account other than having Marvel’s resources listed in your account.Gale has identified 238 *active* accounts in Maine that qualify for this enhancement. If your school or library is interested in this account change, please complete the form below.

Any requests will require a three way pre-authorization by Gale, Maine InfoNet and your organization’s contact person listed on the Gale contract in order to fulfill.

Similar configurations are done like this for both EBSCO and Proquest, so if you also have an EBSCO or Proquest account, that same can be done there too.