Minerva Innovation Competition

Purpose and Background

The Innovation Committee wants to utilize the power of individual library staff within Minerva to create measurable and replicable programs with new ways to serve our communities and each other. To that end, we launched the Minerva Innovation Competition in 2019, a three year pilot program to see if we could generate brilliant ideas from among our members.



Ambition of Innovation 

Scale and complexity of the problem being explored. 

Innovation of Solution 

Scale and novelty of the solution and the approach taken. 

Quality/Sustainability of Solution Proposal 

Ability for the committee to reach a conclusion about the viability of the project. 

People Impact 

Total impact of the idea and impact on patrons, staff, and general operations. 

Quality of Proposal 

Ability for the committee to clearly understand the innovative idea being proposed and to be able to see the potential benefits.



  • Applications Open: May 13, 2024

  • Applications Close: June 12, 2024

  • Application Review: June 17-18, 2024

  • Announcement of Winner: by June 20, 2024



Apply online:  https://forms.gle/jXpokGqPEQswC3zn8

Questions include:

  • Summary of Innovation Proposal: What is the problem and how are you solving it? 500 character limit.

  • Action Steps to Execute Your Plan: How will you implement your idea?

  • Value to Minerva Libraries: How can this project help other libraries? 500 character limit.

  • Resources Needed: Where are you allocating the funds you receive? 500 character limit.

  • Timeline for Execution: What steps will be completed when? 500 character limit.

  • Potential Issues: What barriers might you need help with? 500 character limit.

  • Metrics for Success: How will you prove that what you’ve done has worked? 500 character limit.


Q&A Session

Watch the Q & A session with 2019 Innovation Winner Hazel Onsrud to learn more about writing a winning application and how this experience plays out in practice.

Recording – https://vimeo.com/704217305 



Questions about the competition, how to apply, or our committee in general? Reach out to the Committee Co-Chair, Carin Dunay, by email: cdunay@smccme.edu



What is the goal of the Minerva Innovation Competition? 

We’re hoping to tap into the collective creativity of our libraries and use it to effect a positive change in how Maine libraries do things. 

What are you looking for, really? 

Really, we want ideas that are innovative, scalable, and have the potential to make a real impact. 

What do you mean by “innovative”? 

Ideas that disrupt, change or transform the way things are normally done! Many tasks are performed in libraries the same way because the status quo hasn’t been challenged. This is your chance! 

What do you mean by “scalable”? 

We want ideas that can tackle problems common to lots of libraries, regardless of the size or type. While “all libraries are unique and special,” there’s so much that is shared between them. Identify a shared problem and address it in a new and better way! 

Are there categories or types of ideas that you can suggest? 

Sure? We’re pretty open-minded here. Advocacy, budgeting, cataloging, circulation, community partnerships, customer service, fundraising, marketing, readers advisory, volunteers… there really isn’t a shortage of topics. 

Who’s eligible to submit a proposal? 

If you volunteer or are a paid employee in a MINERVA library, you can submit ideas. You can form a team if you like! You are required to receive your director’s approval to participate in this contest.

When can I submit my ideas? 

Between May 13th  and June 12th, you can use the form at https://forms.gle/jXpokGqPEQswC3zn8 to apply. This doesn’t leave a lot of time to perfect your idea, and that’s okay! 

How many pages do I have to describe my precious and revolutionary idea? 

The form will force you to be rather succinct, so you should be thinking more in the lines of elevator speech rather than doctorate thesis. 

When will I be revealed as the winner of the competition? 

Ahem, well, if your idea is chosen, then you and your team will be announced by June 20th. We will also share all the competing ideas that didn’t make the final cut in July, in case anyone would like to glean wisdom from those as well. 

Then what happens? 

In late June 2024, your library will be awarded $5,000 to assist in the implementation of your idea. We’ll be there to check in throughout the fall, and at the fall User’s Council meeting you’ll provide a formal update. Ideally, you’ll then go on to present at other conferences, where you will be lauded as a great visionary!


Past winners