Download a PDF version of the MaineInfoNet Strategic Plan.
Maine InfoNet connects the people of Maine to information and ideas through library cooperation
Maine libraries. Maine citizens. Connected.
Maine InfoNet (MIN) is a collaborative of academic, public, school and special libraries that provides leadership in resource sharing, promotes cost effective solutions for quality library information services, and supports the cultural, educational, and economic development of Maine.
Organization Goal 1
Enhance the capacity to support the expansion of statewide Integrated Library System (ILS) services
Objective 1 for Organization Goal 1:
Develop organizational models that include functional, staffing, and financial requirements for the successful support and management of an expanded ILSAction Steps for Organization Goal 1:
- Document and evaluate the process of adding ten libraries per year.
- Develop a plan and budget to meet the requirements of ILS expansion
- Determine the number of employees with appropriate expertise needed to support the expansion of statewide ILS
Organization Goal 2:
Expand the number of libraries that actively participate in MaineCat
Objective 1 for Organization Goal 2:
Add 25 small libraries to participate in MaineCat through the Maine InfoNet Library Systems (MILS)Objective 2 for Organization Goal 2:
Add 6 appropriately resourced libraries, in consultation with the Minerva Board, to participate in MaineCat through MinervaObjective 3 for Organization Goal 2:
Evaluate adding additional libraries that participate in MaineCat through URSUSObjective 4 for Organization Goal 2:
Integrate interested Maine Balsam Libraries and other open source libraries into MaineCatObjective 5 for Organization Goal 2:
Explore and make recommendations for opportunities to offer ILS services to K–12Action Steps for Organizational Goal 2, Objectives 1 – 5
- Add libraries so their materials are discoverable through MaineCat and evaluate the process on an ongoing basis
- Work with appropriate stakeholders to develop a recruitment strategy
Organization Goal 3
Develop the capacity to support current and future Maine InfoNet initiatives
Objective 1 for Organization Goal 3:
Develop the capacity to support forums, summits, and other continuing education opportunitiesObjective 2 for Organization Goal 3:
Maintain the capacity to support MARVEL!, the Download Library, and other existing servicesAction Step for Organization Goal 3, Objectives 1 – 2
- Expand the Summit Planning Committee to three members to development a sustainability plan for forums, summits, and group meetings
Organization Goal 4
Put in place appropriate level agreements for all participants in MaineCat
Collection Access Goal 1
Provide leadership and management to maintain and enhance access to collections to meet the needs of the public that compliment, extend, and enhance local library collections by facilitating statewide library partnerships
Objective 1 for Collection Access Goal 1:
Investigate other learning and information resource purchases while maintaining and enhancing collections for local libraries and Maine residentsAction Steps for Collection Access Objective 1
- Ascertain databases and services that are available and of interest to libraries in the State
- Negotiate with vendors on prices and policies for these databases or services
- Find grants or other funding to offset costs for both Maine InfoNet and the local libraries
- Name a fiscal agent to handle payment and billing
- Use established Maine InfoNet resources to authenticate users for local libraries
- Create a procedure for dropping, renewing, and expanding these collections
- Develop administrative and budget support to keep the Download Library and other initiatives going.
Objective 2 for Collection Access Goal 1
Build collaborative e-collections planAction Step for Collection Access Objective 2
Look at other consortium e-collection modelsCollection Access Goal 2
Determine Maine InfoNet’s role in facilitating partnerships in the creation of a Digital Library of Maine
Objective 1 for Collection Access Goal 2
Define the Digital Library of MaineAction Step for Collection Access Goal 2
- Create a small study committee that will report to the MIN Board
Maine InfoNet FUNDING
Funding Goal 1
Ensure that Maine InfoNet funding is sustainable
Objective 1 for Funding Goal 1
Determine the cost of Maine InfoNet programs
Action Step for Objective 1, Funding Goal 1
- Utilize the Finance Committee to evaluate and determine financial reports
- Estimate value of current in-kind support
Objective 2 for Funding Goal 1
Secure and document relationships with existing fundersAction Steps for Objective 2, Funding Goal 1
- Review the MOU’s annually with the State of Maine and the University of Maine System
- Develop a succession plan for funding that strengthens institutional relationships
Objective 3 for Funding Goal 1
Create a Maine InfoNet membership strategyAction Steps for Objective 3 Funding Goal 1
- Undertake an environmental scan of other models
- Inventory current and potential benefits of membership
- Develop a tiered pricing strategy with associated benefits
Funding Goal 2
Develop a funding strategy to support the growth of Maine InfoNet
Objective 1 for Funding Goal 2
Identify and evaluate additional services, projects, and initiativesAction Steps for Objective 1 of Funding Goal 2
Develop fiscal targets to support additional servicesObjective 2 for Funding Goal 2
Obtain foundation and corporate sources of funding for additional services, initiatives and special projectsAction Steps for Objective 2 Funding Goal 2
- Write a case statement for a funding request
- Identify foundation and corporate funders and submit a request
Academic Library – a library attached to an institution of higher education institution which supports the curriculum and the research of the faculty and students.
Digital Library – a collection of digital objects that may include text, audio, and video in electronic media formats along with appropriate organization, storage, and retrieval
Download Library – an online catalog of eBooks and Downloadable Audiobooks made available to the patrons of more than 200 libraries statewide. Also referred to as Overdrive-the vendor that hosts the system. Member libraries pay a fee based on their town population.
e-Collection – collection of online digital materials, including journals and books, with a means to retrieve the materials
ILS – Integrated Library System [the software package that handles most of a library’s operations. Has “Modules” that handle cataloging, circulation, patron management, book orders, etc. Also includes the OPAC
In-Kind Support – contributions of services or goods, not cash. For example a library may provide staff hours to another institution assist with a project.
Larger Libraries – an informal grouping of the larger libraries in the state: UM, USM, Portland Public, UNE, Bangor, Maine State Library, Colby, Bates, Bowdoin
Maine Balsam Libraries – a group of smaller, mid-state libraries that have formed a consortium to run their own ILS using the Open-Source Evergreen software
MaineCat – Statewide [union] Catalog that, as of 2014, combines and links more than 100 library collections, for shared discovery and lending, contained in 10 large online library systems. A search in MaineCat scans more than 5.2 million unique titles and nearly 9.2 million items.
MARVEL! – a service that provides every resident of Maine with access to a collection of research databases and tools. Funding from multiple sources including the Public Utilities Commission, Maine State Library, UM Library, and CBB libraries.
MILS – Maine InfoNet Library System [a new consortial ILS that will serve small libraries and be managed by Maine InfoNet. The system will run the Sierra software]
Minerva – a consortial library catalog system providing an integrated library system (ILS) to 56 libraries of all types-public, school, academic and special. Run using the Millennium software. Minerva also refers to the consortium of member libraries that has its own executive committee and user groups. Maine InfoNet manages the software; the consortium makes decisions and has self-governance.
MOU – Memorandum of understanding, an agreement between two or more organizations that formalizes a shared project or course of action
Open source libraries – libraries that use ILS software that is available for no cost to the library except for the management and operation of the system
Small Library – in general a library with a collection between 10,000 and 40,000 items, in towns with a population of 2000 to 9000, and typically one to two paid staff
Special Library – corporate libraries, law libraries, medical libraries, museum libraries, and newspaper libraries, these libraries are usually not connected to schools and are not public libraries.
Strategy Screen – a tool to use to determine whether or not a strategy supports the mission of the organization, for example the proposed strategy must match the criteria set by the Board.
URSUS – (University Resources Serving Users Statewide), URSUS is a consortial ILS serving the libraries of the entire University of Maine System (seven campuses), Bangor Public Library, the Maine State Library, and the Maine Law and Legislative Reference Library. Run using the Millennium software. URSUS also refers to the grouping of libraries. The URSUS Directors meet regularly.