Paths to Advancement

Path to cataloging level advancement Permission Levels

To go from level 0-1

  1. Be trained by a Level 2 or 3 cataloger
  2. Be instructed in item volume field standards and appropriate use : Item Volume Field
  3. Be familiar enough with minimal bib record attributes to alert their Level 2 or 3 cataloger that a record needs attention.


To go from level 1-2

  1. Be able to follow the document: Acceptable Cataloging for Minerva Libraries 
  2. Watch the Welcome to Minerva Cataloging presentation: Presentation 
  3. Follow the documentation from the Welcome to Minerva Cataloging presentation: Documentation
  4. Watch all parts of the Original Cataloging presentation: Part I — Recording, Chat Part II — Recording, Chat ,Presentation Slides, Guide
  5. Watch the Authorities presentation Presentation, Worksheet
  6. Have knowledge of authority records and review how to import them from INNVIEW (once posted – insert link)
  7. Be able to edit/delete periodical Checkin cards according to the Sierra Serials Manual for Minerva
  8. Be able to transfer items from one bib to another (once posted – insert link)
  9. Sign a document where they certify they completed each presentation and are able to follow all standards (once posted – insert link here for the Path to Advancement Certification


To go from level 2-3

  1. Watch Attaching vs Creating presentation slides and listen to recording: Presentation, Recording
  2. Be able to follow requirements outlined in: Attaching vs Creating document
  3. Watch the powerpoint on series cataloging: Series Training PowerPoint
  4. Be familiar with and follow the Series Entry Cheat Sheet
  5. Watch cataloging DVDs and Blu-rays presentation: Presentation, Resources
  6. Be familiar with and follow all instructions related to cataloging DVDs and Blu-ray media: Bootleg DVDs (powerpoint), Prepub and Bootleg DVDs 2019, DVD Bonus Discs, On Order DVDs, Single Format Multi Disc Sets, Split DVD/Blu-Ray Discs
  7. Watch cataloging graphic novels without fear: Presentation, Quick Guide
  8. Be familiar with and follow graphic novels documents: Quick Guide, Graphic Novels
  9. Watch a demo for Downloading (insert link once posted)  from remote * (or schedule a lesson with Cataloging Training Specialist or MCSC member)
  10. Be familiar with and follow instructions in these documents: Importing Records, (link to new SkyRiver importing doc and Importing from Z39.5 doc).
  11. Demonstrate via Zoom, to the Cataloging Specialist or a member of the MCSC, importing a record (from Z39.5 or SkyRiver) and cleaning it up to all Minerva standards.
  12. Agree to complete self-training on any other material type cataloging rules 
  13. Sign a document where they certify they completed each presentation and are able to follow all standards (once posted – insert link here for the Path to Advancement Certification