URSUS is a partnership of the following libraries:

The URSUS Shared Catalogs are the largest of those linked to the MaineCat Statewide Catalog. It also serves as a gateway to digital resources, both those available generally in Maine and those licensed for use only by patrons of its constituent libraries.

Various user groups, such as Circulation and Cataloging, meet throughout the year. These forums are used to discuss issues, define best practices, exchange ideas, and provide training.  Maine InfoNet and member libraries also provide technical, administrative, and financial services to URSUS.

Benefits to Libraries

  • Cutting-edge library technology
    URSUS libraries share an integrated, automated library systems. The system supports circulation, overdues, cataloging with database maintenance and authority control, serials management, acquisitions, and statistical reporting.
  • On-going technical support
    Staff at Maine InfoNet provide technical support and assistance to URSUS libraries. Technical support is centralized and all hardware maintenance, backup and general operational activities are handled at the central site, rather than in each member library.
  • A Library without walls
    The URSUS catalogs provides access to not only books but also DVDs, audiobooks, magazines, and music CDs.
  • ILL and Delivery
  • Cooperative Collection Development