MSCS program manager Matthew Revitt has an article published in this month’s edition of Against the Grain on the work of the Maine Shared Collections Strategy. A big thank you to MSCS Advisory Board member Bob Kieft for including the article in his column “Curating Collective Collections”.
Project Updates
Summary of final MSCS Project Team meeting now available
The summary of the final MSCS Project Team meeting is now available. Thanks to the Project Team for all of their hard work on MSCS. The post-grant work of the project will continue with the Maine Shared Collections Cooperative.
Summary of project wrap-up meeting now available
The summary of the Maine Shared Collection Strategy (MSCS) project wrap-up meeting is now available. This meeting marked the end of the grant activities of MSCS, but the work of the project will continue with the Maine Shared Collection Cooperative (MSCC). Thanks to all of the library partners and participants for their work on this groundbreaking project.
MSCS agree to participate in EAST planning
The nine MSCS partner libraries have agreed to participate in planning the Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST), click here for more information on EAST.
Video of MSCS presentation at OCLC print management event is now available
Video of MSCS Project PI Clem Guthro’s presentation “Selecting for Sustainability” which was delivered at the OCLC/CIC organized Regional Print Management Symposium on March 27, 2014 is now available.
Summary of July 10 MSCS Project Team meeting is now available
The Summary of the July 10 MSCS Project Team meeting is now available.
Final figures for MSCS retention commitments are released
Final figures for MSCS retention commitments can be found here. MSCS partner libraries have committed to retain a total of 1,422,342 print monographs, serials, and journals.
Maine Library Association publish article on MSCS
The July edition of the Maine Library Association’s newsletter A to Z features an article on the work of MSCS, written by the MSCS Program Manager Matthew Revitt. Click here for an online version of the article.
“Looking to the Future of Shared Print” presentations now avaliable
Presentations from the Maine Shared Collections Strategy and Center for Research Libraries co-sponsored ALA Annual Conference 2014 pre-conference session “Looking to the Future of Shared Print” are now available.
Summary of June 17 Collection Development/Technical Services Committees meeting now available
The summary of the June 17 joint Collection Development/Technical Services Committees meeting is now available.