Summary of Project Team Meeting, August 8, 2012

Maine Shared Collections Strategy Project Team

August 8, 2012

Fogler Library Conference Room



Attending: Valerie Glenn, Clem Guthro (via phone), James Jackson Sanborn, Barbara McDade, Deborah Rollins


Project Updates

Reloading of 001s / Export of item-level data


Reloading of 001s at the remaining (CBB) libraries is on hold. A similar problem to that encountered by URSUS (problem with the leader) was encountered when testing at Colby; with URSUS the changes were fairly benign, and they went ahead and reloaded all.  With Colby the changes are actually quite destructive, and testing has been stopped. Sara wants to open a call with III about this and has asked Toni and Mike if that is okay or if one of them would rather pursue it. She has not heard back from them yet.  As a result, Bowdoin and Bates are waiting to see how the problem is resolved prior to reloading.


Item-level data has been exported from all local systems. Sara has a copy, as does OCLC. We do not yet have a projected date for receiving the data back from OCLC.


583 testing


Sara has proposed a process for testing the use of the 583 field to document retention decisions.


The project team “officially” tasks a subgroup, with a deadline of Oct. 1, to create/export/display 583s for a specific list of monographs (perhaps 20? 20 per school?)

Tasks would include:

-Determining fields and contents for 583s, following OCLC guidelines

-Create procedures for creation of item level 583s in local catalogs

-Configuring display of 583s in local catalogs

-Configuring display if 583s in Union catalogs [MaineCat, NExpress, AquaBrowser,


-Create export procedures for 583s, work with OCLC to create Batch Load table and load
to OCLC. These procedures will vary from school to school and may vary also on whether they can export March Holdings.

– Document the above and report back to the project team.


This proposed task list was approved. The subgroup will be made up of the project’s consulting systems librarian (Sara), along with representatives from Maine InfoNet, CBB, URSUS, the ARRCs (BPL, MSL, PPL), and the Project Team. James volunteered Venice Bayrd from Maine InfoNet, Clem volunteered to be the Project Team representative. xxx??? will contact other suggested individuals (and their directors) by xxx??




Valerie presented a draft budget revision to the group. We are waiting for additional documentation (resumes from project committee members not included in the original proposal). There are some funds originally allocated for a programmer (to develop our own collection analysis system) that haven’t been used; discussion followed as to the various other activities that could use programmer monies.


Valerie and Deb will review the revised budget and submit as soon as the additional documentation is received. Project team members will receive copies of the final revision.



Financial models


During last week’s MOU working session, it was mentioned that we will probably need to collect funds for the continuation of the project beyond the grant period. Valerie compiled a brief list of business models of several shared print initiative and presented it to the group.


The discussion included the uses for collected fees (ie, to offset costs associated with ingesting and validating retained materials; to support the Last Copy Center; etc.).


Clem reminded the group that POD and EOD need to be considered part of the project’s business model as well.


Memorandum of Understanding


The group continued to revise the draft MOU. Today’s discussions centered on the various types of membership and the financial obligations. Valerie will type up the revisions and send to the group. A more final version will be sent to the Directors Council approximately one week prior to their August 22nd meeting.


Directors Council Meeting


The Directors Council will be meeting on August 22nd. Agenda items for that meeting will include the Memorandum of Understanding, a discussion of possible business models, and an update on the project manager position. (Valerie will be leaving the project on August 10th. The project team has received permission to offer the position without conducting a search, if a suitable candidate is found. Several individuals have been in discussions about the position.)


Upcoming Events:

a. August 22, 1-3: Directors Council Meeting, Colby College

b. August 31: Deadline for submitting travel invoices for this quarter

c. September 11, 2-4: Project Team Meeting, Fogler Library Conference Room