Summary of Project Team Meeting, April 10, 2012

Maine Shared Collections Strategy Project Team
April 10, 2012
Fogler Library Conference Room

Attending: Valerie Glenn, Clem Guthro, James Jackson Sanborn, Barbara McDade, Deb Rollins

1a. Reclamation update: The scan/delete process has been conducted for all libraries. We are currently waiting for a load table to be created so that updated 001s can be reloaded into local systems. The group indicated that this should be done as soon as possible. Valerie noted that the last deadline given had been “by May” – she will check with Sara et al to determine if this is still a viable deadline.

1b. Collection analysis: The collection management representatives will be meeting at Colby next Wednesday. They have been sent several questions to think about before the meeting:

1. How should multiple copies of an item in a single library be handled? Does your library have a policy on multiple copies? Should the grant project have some kind of policy for multiple copies in one library?

2. What number of holding libraries in WorldCat is sufficient for comparison when making a retention decision? (For low-use items? For medium-use items?)

ie, if an item is defined as low use and there are 20 copies in WorldCat vs.100, would that make a difference when making a retention decision? (20 vs. 50? 100 vs. 500?)

3. How do we define low-use?

4. When is it acceptable to rely solely on the digital edition of an item?

It was suggested (in response to question 2) that we see if data is available regarding the median number of holding libraries on a WorldCat record. After further discussion, it was suggested that perhaps we should try to find that number for a particular publisher (ie Oxford, HarperCollins) or other subset, rather than all of WorldCat.

2. The anticipated beta of the analytics tool has been pushed back to November. If we want to contribute development funds, we need to determine what our priorities are and by what deadline. The group reviewed the list of desired requirements for analysis and prioritized them. Valerie will send to the group for review before sending along to Kathryn.

Related question: can we export from III all of the data elements we want to? Valerie will compile a list of the data elements and send to James/Sara.

3. The Advisory Board will be visiting in around 7 weeks; the group approved the draft schedule sent by Valerie on March 29th, with one modification: the collection management meeting will be scheduled from 2-4.

What do we want to ensure is discussed while they are here?  It was suggested that in their meeting with the project team we ask about governance structures, MOUs, and business models.

In preparation for their visit, it was suggested that an invitation to the collection management meeting be extended to members of the technical services subcommittee. It was also suggested that some of the Advisory Board members’ publications be sent to grant participants.